I have been away for the weekend, since Thursday. Tokyo was the destination, with my career matter as the main mission. However, I knew I was going to have some free time, So I planned and did made visits to the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography at Ebisu, and to the Pentax Forum at Shinjuku.
There are three galleries and a small cinema at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, which you got to pay separately to get in. I headed straight to the exhibition gallery at the top floor for the Yasuomi Hashimura Exhibition. I didn’t really know much about him or his work. Just that he works mainly on the commercial photos, at New York, and is more well know as “Hashi“. The photos were great, but for me, his talks were great too. It was just by chance that there was an event on that day. A gallery talk. Some talks on how he started photography, why he went to the US, how he feels about Japan, and on the current and the future of the photographers. We the moved around in the gallery, with him explaning and talking about the photos from the exhibition. I got the autographs too.

My visit to the Pentax forum was mainly to have a look and touch at their upcoming new digital SLR, K10D. It was gorgeous. I love the feeling of it in my hand. Good grips, and good balance of the weight, I thought.
I was back in Osaka on the same day, and went to the Touch and the Talk Live event at Osaka on the next day. An event where you can hear the interviews and talks on the development of K10D, and how to use it. There were dozens of K10D to fiddle around to, and model shooting and print out using the hot off the production K10D. So I will write about all the K10D stuff on the separate post. If you want to see some photos now, there is a report on dejikame watch.
I also have some other entries kept as draft, that needs to be finished, but I suppose I will put that on hold for a moment.