タグ: お知らせ

WordCamp Tokyo 2011 に参加しようか迷っている方へ

Wapuu | Tokyo, Japan

公式サイトやTwitterFacebookなどで既に様々な発表を行っていますが、11月27日(日)にWordCamp Tokyo 2011を開催します。関東圏では2008年と2009年の東京、2010年の横浜に続き4回目の開催となり、日本全体としても9回目のWordCampになります。今回のWordCamp Tokyo 2011は、「なぜWordCampを開催するのか?東京で開催するWordCampとは何か?」という根っこから改めて考え、新しい運営体制も試みてみようと、僕が6月に手を挙げてプロジェクトをスタートさせました。つまり言いだしっぺであり、実行委員長です。


さて、WordCamp Tokyo 2011当日まで3週間を切ったこのタイミングで、スタッフによるリレーブログをスタートさせることになりました!



WordCamp Tokyo 2011は、これまでWordCampに参加された方や、デベロッパーの方たちにも、もちろん引き続き参加してよかったと思うイベントにしたいと思っています。加えて、今回は特に意識して、イベント(特にセッションの構成)を作るにあたり対象とした方々がいます。


・・・という思いで、参加してみようかどうしようか悩んでいる方々、今までWordCampを敬遠されてきた方々にこそ、是非今回のWordCamp Tokyo 2011は来ていただけたらなと思います。



WordPress 逆引きデザイン事典PLUS

共著した『WordPress 逆引きデザイン事典PLUS [3.x対応]』が一足早く手元に届きました。ようやく一冊の本になったんだなぁと思います。



WordPress 逆引きデザイン事典PLUS – カバー画像と目次

先日も書いたとおり、『WordPress 逆引きデザイン事典PLUS [3.x対応]』を執筆(共著)しました。


Amazonでも本のカバー画像が見れるようになりました。少しわくわくします 🙂


以下に、『WordPress 逆引きデザイン事典PLUS [3.x対応]』の目次を掲載します。僕の方からは中身の一部をサンプルとして掲載することはできませんが、後日、翔泳社さんのサイトから「立ち読み」ができるようになるそうです。
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このほどWordPressの本『WordPress 逆引きデザイン事典PLUS [3.x対応]』を執筆しました。人生初めての執筆であり、林さんと酒井さんとの共著になります。




WordPress 逆引きデザイン事典PLUS [3.x対応]
売り上げランキング: 217417






写真は後日ここでもアップしますが、今日は応募したきっかけの話。2月にペンタックス・フォーラムに応募したのをきっかけに、「やっぱり写真は人に見てもらってなんぼ、感想を聴いてなんぼ、ガンガン印刷しよう。」と気付かされました。同じ月に発売されたデジタル写真生活に、HNでCastaway。さんの写真を発見。もしやあのCastaway。さんか!? と思ったら、やっぱり Taste of WindCastaway。さんが応募された写真だった。





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Rebooting done

Took a while, but I’ve done the rebooting. Switched to the excellent dark theme. I did have a wire-flame for the new design, but didn’t quite had a time to actually making it into a theme. Perhaps for the next time.

Althoughhaving said that it is excellent, I was slightly disappointed that archive.php was not included. I prefer the archive to look like the archives, rather than the index. Also the tag.php doesn’t behave like I thought it does. I can’t quite remember how I did it last time.

Idecided to go back doing a bit of bilingual blogging. I was thinking to separate into two different blogs, and it is probably better so, for SEO wise. But its just that I don’t have time and spirits to maintain two blogs right now.

Themain language is still going to be English, and trying to blog about the Japanese culture. There are going to be some Japanese posts, most often to be on WordPress. These are tagged “日本語[ja]”.

Oh yeah, I have also upgraded to WP2.2. Currently without any problem, except that the SRC Clean Archives plugin doesn’t work.

And the link for downloading the theme “Warped” now works. You can reach it from the Extra page.

Rebooting in progress!

*7th May (AM) UPDATE* changed theme, soreted bit out of the Pages, categories, and tags. Few more touches needed, so still fiddling…

Long time since I last posted an article on this site.

But I decided its about the time I get my act together, and do somthing about it. So I am doing an overhaul of this blog, and will be rebooting before the Golden Week ends.

So, until then!

Some update

Its been a bit over a month, since I last wrote here. I have been quite busy with work. To be more correct, I just started working in Tokyo.

Its my first job as what we call in Japan a “proper worker”. My first time living in Tokyo. I have lived in England, away from home, but has always been with someone – the boarding house or sharing a flat with friends. But I am now living on my own. There are lots of customary things that you got to do when you work in Japan, that’s hard to read through to understand what the hell its all about. Oh and the flats in Japan comes with nothing. Not even a curtain. So I gotta go out and buy beds, fridge-freezer, washing machine, etc, etc…

I got to set up the Internet as well. Currently toying the idea between the 50Mbps ADSL and 100Mbps optic fiber, both at about same cost per month.

Hopefully, I get things settled and sorted by beginning of the next year!

Updated the Links page

The links list page, which was left ” inprogres …” for a quite a while, has been updated. Well, not much, but I sorted out some WordPress links. There are some links to Japanese WP users, as well as WordPress Japan site. Chances that you can read Japanese are slim, perhaps, but if you want to check out the Japanese WordPress community, give it a go and click those links. You might get an inspiration or a two … !


[ja:Just a notice in Japanese]



I am back

Its been a quite while since I last wrote. About a month, I think. It has been a month with my morale hitting the lowest in quite a while. Just don’t have energy or passion to drive things forward. But, I think I will slowly start to putting things back into this blog now.

Incidently, this is the 100th post I write here on Waviaei.

Waviaei Summer Reboot

OK, its a summer reboot of this site. Actually, its not just the design reboot, but the “content reboot” as well.

I posted last time in Japanese that I am going to quit posting entries bilingual – English and Japanese – here on Waviaei. There are several reasons for that, but lets just say that bilingual bloggin is not an easy thing to do. Perhaps I will write more about that in near future. Things I discovered, expereinced, and felt, in my attempt of bilingual blogging, may be useful for some perhaps.

I decided to go back to my original intensions of why I wanted to blog. I wanted to write about Japan: the news, trends, thoughts, things thats goining on, and life, and so on. There are quite few “Japan blogs” by non-Japanese here in Japan, but very rare to see an English blog by the Japanese. Perhaps there are something I can write. The thoughts through my over a decade experiences each in two cultures, Japan and England. So I will attempt from now on, to shift the majority of topics to be on Japan related stuff. Be it cultural, sports, techs, gadgets, web, news, trends, or anything. I will continure to write WordPress and web design related stuff every now and then, to keep up with my interests in these two. They are now put into two categories. Perhaps I will look into separating out these as another blog? May be.

As for the design reboot, the color scheme is much the same as the last. Aimed for 2-colum, left sidebar, fluid design to fucus more on the content. There needs to be no more language infomations to be displayed, so it feel much more simple in the “meta” sections. I tried to make the sidebar as short as possible too. Another big reason for all of this, was to cut all those fat down to make it slim. All those “make the website looks cool but increases lots file sizes” stuff are almost all gone. Gravatar is the only thing that possibly slows things down a lot, but I will look into a cache enable one later.

It has been desined for the modern browsers (Firefox and co.), but will work fine in IE as well. The notable differences are: max and min width don’t work, change in color when hovered in sidebar do not work, need to load JavaScript for the suckerfish dropdown menu, and additinal page list is displayed above the search form incase the JavaScript is turned off. I think thats about it.

I will keep on fiddling with the codes and the design in future. If there are any bugs and stuff, I would be greatfull if anyone could drop a comment on it.


Note: I forgot to add, that I have created an “Asides” category. So I can post those quikies, quicklinks, and stuff.







日本語は別のブログとしても良いのですが、そこら辺はおいおい。さくらのサーバーは1つしかDBを作れないので、今ちょっと混雑してます。なので、WPをインストールして日本語で、と言うのはおそらくしないと思います。MT+Sqliteとかサインアップするやつとかはありかな? WordPress.comとかVoxとか、あとは、うーん。あっでも招待必要だっけ?そう言えば、はてなのアカウントはまだリングでしか使ってないな・・・。
