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「骨が折れてもいい……歩けなくなってもいい……!! やっとつかんだチャンスなんだ!!」


天性の煌き  49%
忍耐努力度  100%
個性の高さ  18%
天才自覚度  29%

The use of tag.php in Ultimate Tag Warrior

One of the plugin which I was very interested in using is the Ultimate Tag Warrior (UTW). It is an excellent and very powerfull plugin which lets you to incorporate the trendy “tagging” in to WordPress. I did actually look around for other plugins that were a bit more simple, but in the end, I decided to go with UTW. Simply, I felt that as I am new to the WordPress, and not a PHP and MySql expert, I will go with the popular one which will likely to have more documents about it on the web. Just incase I bump into a problem. You could argue that complex and data base fiddling plugin like UTW, is not really something for novice to tackle, but I was willing to take that risk. If something really bad happens … that will teach me that taking backups often is a very very important thing to do!

It was all so well. Installation was very easy, just like any other WordPress plugins. After I switched off “Automatically add categories as tags” on the Tag Options pannel, I added few UTW tags there and there in the theme files. You can see it in the Archives page, Monthly Archive page, and single post page. But something I struggled was, how to display an archive page for a particular tag. A local tag link. So when a visitor clicks “wordpress” tag, it will show the list of all post on my site which are tagged with “wordpress” tag.

I have to say that I, as a relative novice, felt it was the most unhelpfull section of the both local and web help. Mainly because there were no example template, and rather short mention of is_tag() were confusing. Also, do I have to use tag.php, or can I use archive.php ?

The solution was very simple. This is how I did it, which may be useful for someone outhere who are stuck, like I was.

So how is it done ?

First of all, the template hierarchy for showing /tag/sometag is:

  • 1. tag.php
  • 2. index.php

Basically, UTW will look for tag.php first, then if doesn’t exist, index.php. Are happy with UTW using index.php, and generating the result page in the main index page fashion ? If you are not, then read on.

I nearly forgot to say; I think using tag.php only works with using fancy URLs for tags. If you are not using fancy URLs, UTW will always use index.php, I think.

You need to edit, so that tag.php is a template to how /tag/sometag page is shown. I wanted to generate the page to look like an archive page, so I made a copy of archive.php, and renamed it to tag.php. A required thing within tag.php is to conatain a WordPress Loop. No need for UTW template tags. I use Hemingway theme, and deleted unwanted stuff within the WordPress loop. Thats things like “if is monthly archive…” and “if is daily archive…”. The final tag.php for my Hemingway look something like:


Archive for the posts tagged with

  • <a href="”>
    – posted in

Not Found

About the archives


You can see the WordPress loop in the div class=primary.

You should edit your tag.php accordingly to how you want it to look. I will probably look different, if you are working on the deferent theme, but importat thing is that it have to contain The Loop. Throw this tag.php file into the theme folder which you use. This should work. No UTW template tag, and nothing special about it. Just an ordinary WordPress template file, with WordPress loop in it.



headers already sent by ・・・(省略)・・・ .php on line ・・・

一瞬ビビリましたが、ブラウザの「1つ前に戻る」をクリックすると、なぜかプラグインはオンになってる。View siteでサイト確認すると何事も無かったかのように表示される。プラグインも問題なく動作してる。「今のはなんやってん?」と思いながらもそのまま使用。

しかーし。やはり問題があったのです。なにげにW3CのHTML Validatorでチェックすると問題なくValidateされますが、「Byte Order Mark(BOM)が含まれています」と注意書きが出ます。思い当たる節あり。WP-AddQuicktagはzip形式でダウンロードするのではなく、ブラウザ内でtxtとして開くファイルをエディタにコピペ、phpとして保存して使用する形で配布されてる。以前UTF-8にはBOM有りとBOM無しの2種類があり、phpやcgiとして使用するときはBOM無しで保存すべしと言うのを読んだ事があります。それ以後、BOMに気をつけながら、TeraPadと言うテキスト・エディタと、PHPeditorと言うPHPエディタを使用していたのですが、どうやら保存設定か何かを間違えたのです。



  • “headers already sent by …”で始まるエラーはBOMが原因
  • UTF-8で保存できるエディタにもBOM有りでしか保存できないのとBOM無し(UTF-8N)でも保存できるのがある
  • 今回は必要なかったが、ファイルとデータベースのバックアップは大事



  • PHPエディタ – PHP
  • Crescent Eve – CSS、簡単なHTMLの修正
  • TeraPad – txtなど、その他もろもろ

唯一満足しているのはCrescent EveでCSSを編集するときだけです。PHPエディタはアンインストールしました。TeraPadは上手く使いこなせていないだけなのかもしれないが、どこか中途半端。どうにか1つか2つにまとめられないだろうか?確実にUTF-8Nで認識・保存ができ、多種多様な形式のファイルに対応。もちろんコードの色分けもでき、候補もだしてくれる。こんなエディタは無いだろうか・・・フリーで 😉

ネットで探し回ってとりあえずNoEditorEmEditor(Free版)をインストールしてみました。これからこの2つを試してみます。これ以上の候補となると秀丸EmEditor Prpffesionalと言うシェアウェアになってしまうと思うのですが、何かオススメのエディタはあるでしょうか?CSSはCrexcentEveで満足しているので、PHPの為のオススメエディタがあれば教えてください!

WordPress with multibyte languages

WordPress uses UTF-8 as a default, so you wouldn`t think that there aren’t any problems using Japanese. But the truth is that there are.

Ther are two main problems. When you use the excerpt tag, the WordPress will automatically show limited number of words, 120 words but default I think, with […] at the end. This is often used on the home index page, just like this Hemingway theme does. The problem is that when the content of the post is in Japanese, the whole of that content is shown. Not an excerpt. The other problem is that the “search” do not work. I type in some Japanese word, which I know it exists in my post, but does not return any result.

So. I searched around on the web, and I found the problems and solutions on Jam’s WordPress page. I am not a progmmer, so I am not sure of the detail, but the both problems seems to be associated with the different in context that the Asian languages use, and WordPress do not take in account of that possibility.

The bit I can understand, because its not to do with programming, is the context. Japanese language do not use whitespace to recognise “word”. I believe that this is also true for other Asian multi-byte language like Korean and Chinese. Apprantly, WordPress’@ excerpt count the words by recognising the whitespaces in between. If the content is in Japanese, it will recognise the whitespace at the end of the paragraph as end of the word. As a result, if the post contain five paragraphs, WordPress sees it as five words, and will looks like it is showing the full content.

The “Patch for WordPress 2.0.1 to support Asian text in its excerpt constructing functions” is in diff format, not as a plugin. Thats because the core files needs to be hacked. So thats a downside of applying this patch, especially for those who are not confortable with PHP. I have no experience with maintaining a UNIX system, so I struggled to appyl the patch at first.

For the solution of the search problem, apply the “Search excerpt plugin supporting Asian text”, which is a modified version of the ylsy_search_excerpt.

Some links:

  • Jam’s WordPress page
  • GnuWin32
  • How to use the patch (sorry, its a Japanese link)
  • Patch and How to for WordPressME

Note on the files that the patch hacks:

  • wp-trackback.php
  • ./wp-includes/comment-functions.php
  • ./wp-includes/feed-functions.php
  • ./wp-includes/functions-formatting.php
  • ./wp-includes/functions-post.php
  • ./wp-includes/functions.php









  • ターン:50%
  • エア:25%
  • タイム:25%










P.S. (モーグルに詳しい方で)文章の内容に間違いがあればご指摘感謝します。

World Press Photos of the Year 2006

I read in the newspaper (I think it was Asahi Shimbun) a few days ago that the World Press Photos of the Year for 2006 was annouced. Great pictures. I particulary like the 2nd and the 3rd prize photos for nature ones at the bottom left. I wonder where about in Svalbard which that polar bear photo was taken, because, good or bad, we didn`t see them when I went there. Oh and the 1st prize Sports Action photo… I cannot describe it in writings. Just see it. We probably must though, shouldn`t forget that there are sadness and destructions behind many of these pictures.






実力はあるけど人気は2番手っぽかったから。以前CGIのブログを使っていたからPHPのを使いたかった(MTはCGI->PHPが面倒)。詳細なCODEXがあった。英語も日本語も大きな問題なく使えそうだった。 他のも試してみて一番気に入ったから。オフ会に参加した!










  • ディフォルトで入っているデータバックアップのやつ
  • WordPressのアジア圏テキスト対応パッチ
  • Ultimate Tag Warrior – これからインストールするつもりです



  • 本家のCodex
  • WordPress Japan
  • 特定のサイトじゃないけど、del.icio.usとか、TechnoratiとかでWordPressを検索したらいっぱい引っかかる。大抵タグもある。



  • – 最初に出会った日本語のWordPressサイトでもあります
  • Taste of Wind – ブログの内容もさることながら、なぜか妙に頭に残るブログタイトルです
  • Warpspire – 今使っているHemingwayテーマを作っているとこです。まだまだベータ?アルファ?版の開発途中なので頻繁にチェックしてます。





Hemingway theme

先ほど書いた「Installed a new theme」の日本語版記事です。英語版を書いて、その後で日本語版の新しいポストで書く、と言うスタイルはしないつもりですが、1回くらいは試しにしてみようと思い書いてみます。直訳にはならないと思いますが、内容は同じにするつもりです。



Hemingwayはまだversion0.1なので、色々な箇所が抜けています。Aboutや、Archivesへのページへのリンクや、個別記事表示したときの「1つ前」「1つ後」の記事へのリンクをはじめ、Archives.phpもまだ製作中のようです。これらの最低限必要なリンクやページを作りました。 また、ヘッダーの色も、白系から青系へ変えています。Hemingwayのロードマップによると、これらのバグや未完成部分は以後のリリースで修正予定で、さらにまだまだ面白そうな機能をつけるプランなようです。



Installed a new theme

I was going to leave the disign of this site as WP2.0 default theme. I wanted to make my own theme, when the things settle with the bilingual plugin, and other goodies. However, I came a cross an excellent looking theme at Warpspire. Its called Hemingway.

To be honest, I preferred fixed and centerd “wrapper”, or “container”, with 2-columns design. But after finding the Hemingway, it glow in my mind, and decided to install it. I like this.

I have tweaked few things like, navigation bar, previous/next links, archives page, dates format, and header color. Still in process, but I think it is ok for now. I will keep tweking around though. Hemingway is actually stil in its version 0.1, and looks like these things are goin to be fixed in the future release, mixed in with some new cool features., Flickr, and Yahoo!

I have set up an account at I have looked through other social bookmarking services (SBS). Hatena::bookmark and are the other two I had on mind, but I decided to start off with Although I like the idea of tagging, I do think the good old way of “categorising” is still a useful way to keep things. So if I feel after a while,`s “maily tagging” style is not for me, I will consider, probably But then of course, there might be a cool and new SBS service out by then.

The other popular Web2.0 service I am going to fiddle is Flickr. I did make an accout long time a go, but I never used it, and I have forgotten the ID and Password for it. Checked around my mail boxes at varous places (yahoo UK, yahoo Japan, goo, etc,etc), but couldn`t find any mails related to it. So, I clicked at “Sign Up Now!” icon, then you jump to “Sign int to Yahoo!” page ! Ah… I read somwhere that Flickr has been bought by Yahoo!, but I wasn`t expecting to set up a new Yahoo account. Nothing wrong with it, nor there is a problem. Just that I had “lets setup flickr account !!” feeling, but saw “Yahoo ID” and the excitent went downwards a half.

Anyway. I tired out with Yahoo! Japan ID first, but it didn`t work. Yahoo!Japan ID never do outside Yahoo!Japan. A bit sad, really. Then I try my Yahoo!UK ID, and see “Wellcome back!” page. Right. I have never logged in to Flickr with Yahoo!UK ID, but its “Wellcome back!”. Later I have found that, you can log into UK account from US Yahoo!, and send you to UK site.

The problem for me with using UK account is that I don`t really use that mail address anymore. Its full of trash. Though I have missed a very very important mail before, simply because I did not bother to check the mail. I do want to transfer the important bits to elsewhere really, and perhaps close the uk account.

I will have a more fiddle around with Yahoo account and Flickr. I wish they enable to use Yahoo!Japan ID in other Yahoo! site.

Post slug !

Yes. There was a much simpler solution to the problem from my last post. Type in the custom post slug for those with the Japanese title. I think I will go with that.

Permalink problem

I have set that the Permalink to be date, then post-title. Howver, I realise that there might be a problem with that, when the title is in Japanese. It seems to link properly, but the link is like “…%e6%97%a5%e6%9c%ac%e8…”. Just like in Wikipedia. Probably its not a problem as such, but the point of using the title as a permalink is so that people can get the idea of the post contents from it. I cheked out some other Japanese blogs that uses WordPress2.0 ME. They all uses post IDs, and not post title.

May be there is a solution by fiddling with .htaccess and/or PHP files, but not an option for me, with my very limited knowledge of them. Writing all post titles in English, even with the Japanese posts, is another idea, but I am sure there will be times when I want to write in Japanese. Using ID is another solution of course.

I will have to search through on this topic I think.


WordPressオフ会 in 大阪(8月)で「今Nucleusを別サイトでいじっているから、それ終わりしだいWPでメインブログを。できれば夏のうちに・・・」とかなんとか言っておきながら半年。年も明けて、ようやくメインのブログをスタートさせます。もちろんWP2で。ちなみに、インストールしたのは本家版でME版ではありません。英語メイン+日本語にしていこうと思っているので。UTF-8なので基本的に問題はないと思いますが、マルチバイト文字な為の不具合が出てくるかもしれません。WP1.5で問題があった箇所はWP2.0で直ってくれているとありがたいのですが、まだ始めたばっかのこのブログじゃ分かりません。とりあえず様子見でしょうか。もしどうしても不都合があれば、後でWP2.0MEにインストールし直したらいいや、と思ってます。面倒だけど。


The first post

So. This is my first post on this blog. Well, second post actually, but anyway. It was actually 5days a go that I set up this blog, but I was down with cold. Its better, but I am still a bit struggling for a full recovery.

I am planning to make waviaei as a bilingual blog, English and Japanese. How I am going to do that, I have yet to decide. Currently, I have Basic Bilingual Plugin and Polyglot. I am not sure whether they are compatible with WP2.0 or not, and I am not an PHP expert. So I think I am going to leave as it is: some in English, some in Japanese. I am feeling that a multi-byte language problem will need to be dealt with somewhere sometime.

Plugins/Translation and Languages « WordPress Codex