と言うことで、買ったけど未設定の無線ルーターを、無線アクセスポイントとして使うべくひっぱり出してきました。 これにWinXPのノートPCを無線で繋いで、IE検証しつつ、VistaのデスクトップPCで修正させます。
WordPress、Web Design、Photography、その他もろもろ
と言うことで、買ったけど未設定の無線ルーターを、無線アクセスポイントとして使うべくひっぱり出してきました。 これにWinXPのノートPCを無線で繋いで、IE検証しつつ、VistaのデスクトップPCで修正させます。
やっぱ、深夜1時に寝ぼけながらやったのがあかんかったんかな (笑)
そう言えば、「最近のコメント」を表示していないなぁ、と気づき、プラグインを探してみました。以前はどのプラグインを使用していたか失念(幾つかとっかえひっかえしてました・・・)してしまったので、本家の公式プラグイン・ディレクトリで探してみました。見つけたのが、Get Recent Comments です。
Vicunaのモジュールに、アイキャッチ画像が有りますが、その内の「Eye Catch Mini Module」をオンにしてみました。ただそれだけじゃ面白くないので、幾つかの画像をランダムに表示させるようにカスタマイズ。画像をランダムに表示させる方法は、JavaScriptを使う方法も含め幾つかあるようですが、今回はphpで実装しています。CSSに記述されている画像へのリンクを、とあるphpファイルへ置き換え、そのphpファイルが指定されたフォルダ内の画像をランダムに表示しています。
へアップロードしました。background-image: url(../images/eyeCatch/mini.gif);
/* background-image: url(../images/eyeCatch/mini.gif); */
background-image: url(../images/eyeCatch/random_mini/rotate.php);
手順の2. ~ 3. あたりがよく分からない方は、chocobit さんのphpで画像をランダムに表示させるがわかりやすいです。
たとえば、「WordPress」 タグは「WordPress」か「ワードプレス」か?
WP2.3の注目新機能にタグ機能があります。が、いくら記事にタグを付けようとも、使用しているテーマが対応していなければ表示されません。そこで、現在使用中の wp.vicuna のテンプレートファイルを編集して、タグ表示に対応させます。
コードは下記のように 、カテゴリとエディットの間へ。
<ul class="info">
<li class="date"><?php the_time('Y-m-d (D)') ?></li>
<li class="category"><?php the_category(' | ') ?></li>
<li class="tag"><?php the_tags(); ?></li>
<?php edit_post_link('Edit.', '<li class="admin">', '</li>'); ?>
取りあえず、WordPressを 2.3にアップデートしました。
大分前になるんですが、ごそごそと、今使用しているテーマ wp.vicuna のテンプレート・ファイルやらを眺めてみました。そこで気づいた2点を修正。
header.php に記述されている meta name=”author” ですが、content がブログのタイトルを表示させるようになっていたので、このブログの作者、つまり自分、の名に変更。
サイドバーにカテゴリ一覧を表示させる為に記述されている WordPress のタグ、 wp_list_cats は、wp_list_categories に取って代わり、今後使用できなくなっていく可能性が高い。これを、codex でも推奨されている wp_list_categories の方に変更。
ちなみにプラグインのオプション設定などは、wp_options の中に作成される事もあれば、専用のテーブルを作るものもある。例えば、Ultimate Tag Warrior とか。
僕もTwitterやってるんで、一応Twitter ToolsなるWordPressのプラグインを入れていた訳ですが、あまり使っていませんでした。正確には、ブログを更新したらTweetするオプションだけをオンにしてた状況です。が、それでもTweetする頻度よりも、ブログを更新する頻度の方が少ないんですよね。
So, while I have been a lazy ass, not keeping this blog up to date – both in terms of posts and plugin versions and stuffs – WordPress has gone up to ver 2.1. I spent this weekend checking out the server requirement and the plugin compatability. It all seems to be ok, so I upgraded, and indeed looks to be ok.
Though after fiddling and versioning up some of the plugins, some of the archive page has gone strange. I don’t know why yet, but I did some complicated things when I desinged the current theme, especially with the archive related templates. I can’t remenber right now, with what exactly what I did it then.
I am actually wanting to change the theme. A new start, rather. I have now lived in Tokyo alone, and working for nearly three month. Things are getting slowly into shapes – things that I do rountinely on daily basis, and things that do not. I have been thinking for a while of how to keep up with my “web activity”. Thats not only with this blog, but my other on the Vox, my RSS reader (Freshreader), del.icio.us, Hatena account, and so on. I have some new ideas, some ideas to scrap, all in a limited about of time I have.
I suppose the change in real life environment affects that much of your internet life too. Despite the fact that you can connect to your internet life anywhere in the World.
As for WordPress 2.1, its great! I decided to switch on the visual rich editor for a while. I am not sure if “uploading files” are improved that much or not. I think that was one of the most weaker area of WordPress by default, and looks like still is.
The Ultimate Tag Warrior is probably one of the best plugin out there for WordPress. It is a powerfull and complex plugin, with lots of template tags. You can customize these template tags too, but do looks rather complicated and confusing to do.
Here are some ideas from aoina, a one of the WordPress user in Japan.
This will output the feed icons infront of each tag. Just like the similar feature for the categories.
I love this one. Just what I wanted. It’s easier to see, than to explain. If you click ‘plugin’, it will return the entries tagged ‘plugin’. But if you click ‘+’ infront of ‘plugin’, it will return the entries tagged with ‘wordpress’ AND ‘plugin’.
There is a similar ajax-powered feature which comes with UTW, but this is much simpler and lighter, I think.
Here is the code I use in tag.php
. I display it slightly different, compared to how Aoina.com do.
‘%intersectionlink% %tagdisplay%(%tagcount%)’,
‘default’ => ‘%intersectionlink% %tagdisplay%(%tagcount%), ‘,
‘last’ => ‘%intersectionlink% %tagdisplay%(%tagcount%)’
)); ?>
These two customization uses $format
for custom formatting.
When you display an archive for a tag, only your blog title is displayd in the title. For SEO, it would be better to display the tag name here. T the bottom of ultimate-tag-warrior-actions.php
, add this code:
add_filter(‘wp_title’, ‘utw_blogtitle’,1);
function utw_blogtitle($title){
if(get_query_var(“tag”) && !$title) return ” » ” . get_query_var(“tag”);
This actually didn’t work for me, as I use the Optimal Title plugin. So instead, I edited optimal-title.php
. Near the end, between if ($single) { ... }
and if ($display && isset($title)) { ... }
if(get_query_var(“tag”) && !$title) {
$title = get_query_var(“tag”) . “$sep Tag Archive”;
Like me, if you use WP-PageNavi, there is a bug when an archive of two or more tag is displayed. If ‘wordpress’ tag has 5 entries, and ‘plugin’ tag has 3, ‘wordpress+plugin’ should return total of 3 entries. But WP-PageNavi returns 8 entries.
Edit the lines 37 to 39 of pagenavi.php
, from:
preg_match(‘#FROMs(.*)sGROUP BY#siU’, $request, $matches);
$fromwhere = $matches[1];
$numposts = $wpdb->get_var(“SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM $fromwhere”);
to this:
if( strpos(get_query_var(‘tag’), ” “) ){
preg_match(‘#^(.*)sLIMIT#siU’, $request, $matches);
$fromwhere = $matches[1];
$results = $wpdb->get_results($fromwhere);
$numposts = count($results);
} else {
preg_match(‘#FROMs(.*)sGROUP BY#siU’, $request, $matches);
$fromwhere = $matches[1];
$numposts = $wpdb->get_var(“SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM $fromwhere”);
[These tips are by AOINA.COM]
I have just released my first WordPress theme, called Warped. Well, it’s actually a ported theme. Warped was designed by Six Shooter Media, under the Creative Commons license. I loved the color scheme and the overall style of it, so I ported into a WordPress theme.
Thanks to Jay for the great open-source template!
I have also made Projects page. So far, other than just released Warped, there going to be a WordPress theme “How-to” guide, which I am writing at the moment. It will only be in Japanese, as there are very little resource on themes in Japanese.
IE7 is out (not yet in Japan). Firefox 2 is out in few days (world wide). Lorelle’s article is a must read for the WordPress users.
Basically, both the wordpress.com and the wordpress.org uses lots of JavaScript and Ajax. Especially now, as there are lot of plugins and quite few themes out there utilises these techniques. These can greatly affect the performance of the browsers, and the performance worsens if it has not been well coded. In particular, the memory usage bit.
Yesterday (8th October) was the 5th Anniversary date of Movable Type. I found this out through various Japanese blogs which are in my RSS reader. Six Apart Japan wrote “lets hear your Movable Type story” article on their site. I couldn’t find a similar news article on US Six Apart, though you can check the news archive from October 2001.
I wrote this, because I just had thought of “how about the WordPress? How old is it?”. I have only been using WordPress for a bit over 10 month or so. I knew that WordPress born out of b2 development, but never knew when. So I looked around at the wordpress.org, and was not hard to find.
It is the official successor of b2/cafelog. WordPress is fresh software, but its roots and development go back to 2001.
Not sure which month, but looks like WordPress and Movable Type has been out and living since 2001. That’s quite interesting. MT is often seen as, well at least in Japan, “the pioneer” of weblog, but the starting time was similar, MT just got the hype and the success first. A bit like “many headed for the new continent, but Columbus got there first”.
Nice and simple hack for a better performance of the Ultimate Tag Warrior.
<input name="trackback_url" size="69" type="text" value="<?php trackback_url(); ?>" />[/php]