月: 2006年1月

Permalink problem

I have set that the Permalink to be date, then post-title. Howver, I realise that there might be a problem with that, when the title is in Japanese. It seems to link properly, but the link is like “…%e6%97%a5%e6%9c%ac%e8…”. Just like in Wikipedia. Probably its not a problem as such, but the point of using the title as a permalink is so that people can get the idea of the post contents from it. I cheked out some other Japanese blogs that uses WordPress2.0 ME. They all uses post IDs, and not post title.

May be there is a solution by fiddling with .htaccess and/or PHP files, but not an option for me, with my very limited knowledge of them. Writing all post titles in English, even with the Japanese posts, is another idea, but I am sure there will be times when I want to write in Japanese. Using ID is another solution of course.

I will have to search through on this topic I think.


WordPressオフ会 in 大阪(8月)で「今Nucleusを別サイトでいじっているから、それ終わりしだいWPでメインブログを。できれば夏のうちに・・・」とかなんとか言っておきながら半年。年も明けて、ようやくメインのブログをスタートさせます。もちろんWP2で。ちなみに、インストールしたのは本家版でME版ではありません。英語メイン+日本語にしていこうと思っているので。UTF-8なので基本的に問題はないと思いますが、マルチバイト文字な為の不具合が出てくるかもしれません。WP1.5で問題があった箇所はWP2.0で直ってくれているとありがたいのですが、まだ始めたばっかのこのブログじゃ分かりません。とりあえず様子見でしょうか。もしどうしても不都合があれば、後でWP2.0MEにインストールし直したらいいや、と思ってます。面倒だけど。


The first post

So. This is my first post on this blog. Well, second post actually, but anyway. It was actually 5days a go that I set up this blog, but I was down with cold. Its better, but I am still a bit struggling for a full recovery.

I am planning to make waviaei as a bilingual blog, English and Japanese. How I am going to do that, I have yet to decide. Currently, I have Basic Bilingual Plugin and Polyglot. I am not sure whether they are compatible with WP2.0 or not, and I am not an PHP expert. So I think I am going to leave as it is: some in English, some in Japanese. I am feeling that a multi-byte language problem will need to be dealt with somewhere sometime.

Plugins/Translation and Languages « WordPress Codex