tam-mothertongue: multilingual admin plugin for WordPress

A Japanese WordPress user has just released a multilingual admin plugin for WordPress, called “tam-mothertongue”.

One of the great thing about WordPress is that you can have multiple users writing and contributing to a single blog. By using this plugin, each user can choose their locale language for the admin screens.

For example, if you run a blog on the football World Cup with multiple users from various countries contributing to the blog posts, each users will be able to choose the admin screen language from Japanese, English, Spanish, French, etc, etc. (You will need the .mo files for each languages)

Of course, if the outputs language of the all posts are in say English, I am sure all the users will have no problem finding you way through the English language admin. But if thats not the case, this might be the plugin you are just looking for.


  1. うぉお! ありがとうございます!



  2. コメントありがとうございます、Miyoshiさん。


    と書いておきながらアレですが、海外でもマルチ・リンガルなWordPressブログは少ないので・・・。どれだけの反応があるか個人的に興味がありますね。 🙂

  3. this tam mothertoungue plugin is just what I need but I cant seem to figure out where to download it ? suggestions ?


  4. Sorry about that. He has split the WordPress plugin stuff to another blog of his. I should have updated!

    You can find it on this page. The file link is where it says “ここから zip ファイルをダウンロードして、/wp-content/plugins/ ディレクトリに展開、WordPress にログインして plugins パネルで有効化して下さい。” about half way down the article.

    You should also need to download the “other” language file (*.mo), and upload it to wp-includes/languages directory.

    P.S. some nice photos and the videos of kayaking. I used to do some, though more fond of sea kayaking than the wild water !

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